6 Top Tips To Leverage Facebook Ad Targeting For Your Brand

· FB Ad Targeting


Did you know? There are about 1.6 billion people globally connected to a small business on Facebook.

With this in mind, estimate the number of your target audience that you can reach on Facebook through your advertising and marketing. The opportunities on Facebook for your business are limitless. But with the organic reach dying out, you need a boost of another tool, Facebook Ads. 

In this article, let's look further into the Facebook Ad and Facebook Ad Targeting

What is Facebook Advertising?


For marketers, it is important to meet prospects where they’re spending time. And because billions of people around the world are connected to a small business on Facebook, it is the right spot. 

Many of your current and potential customers are using the platform, making it an effective place to reach them with your advertisements. Facebook Ad Targeting can help you easily reach your target audience, buyers, and current customers on the platform. The social media site allows you to customize your advertisements to ensure they reach qualified leads.

Now that you understand Facebook ads, let us look at how you can make the best use to target the right audience to boost your business. 

Facebook Ad Targeting Tips


If you have a few high-performing pieces of content that already attract and convert leads, why not put some paid ad spend behind it?

For instance, you can use a list of top-performing and high-converting content and reformat it into an advertisement for Facebook. But as not every piece of content that performs well organically will perform well as a social ad, you need to be selective and pay attention to metrics like social media views when choosing posts.

Retarget ads to prospects most likely to convert.

With Facebook advertising, you're able to target prospects who've already shown interest in your content, which could be more effective than cold-targeting Facebook users who haven't shown any interest in your brand.

Retargeting is a really powerful approach, and it works best when used to go after an audience similar to the seed list. Of course, it's vital to note, you'll want to retarget ads that align well with your products or services. 

Leverage existing supporters of your business.

It's often useful to target users who demonstrate their appreciation for your brand by liking your Facebook business Page. Consider how you might convert those users by retargeting ads towards them. 

Ultimately, it's much less obtrusive to target ads towards people who want to see content from your brand and have demonstrated an interest in your company. Save time and money by targeting your brand's fans first. Additionally, you can also get creative and try layering on some criteria here. 

Build loyal custom audiences with existing customers. 


Targeting Facebook ads isn't just effective for attracting new prospects to your business, it's also a good strategy for retaining and up-selling your existing customers. 

And, considering it's 5-25X more expensive to acquire a new customer than it is to retain an existing one, it makes sense to leverage the customers in your database already rather than only sending ads to brand-new prospects.

Find a similar audience to your top-performing ones.

Once you find an audience that works well, you can now create a lookalike of the same audience. This new audience allows you to expand your reach to new prospects and might even perform better. 

When you upload a list of customers to Facebook and create a lookalike, Facebook's algorithm will target your ads to people most similar to your existing customers. 

Keep an eye out for frequency.

Finally, when targeting your ads, you'll want to keep an eye on the frequency metric to make sure someone isn’t seeing your ad too often.

If the frequency is too high, you risk hurting your brand perception. On the other hand, it can be beneficial for someone to see your ad more than once to increase your brand awareness. You'll have to figure out a sweet spot that works best for your company, but aiming for a frequency of 3-4 can be a good place to start. 


To up-sell via Facebook ads, think about your existing customers who might benefit from an additional feature, product, or service that you can offer them. With Facebook ad targeting, you can leverage these users. With all these efforts and the above tips, you can now easily use Facebook ads to gain the best benefits for your brand.