How to Own a Perfect Landing Page Design

own a perfect landing page design

Many people don’t know what a landing page exactly is; they may have visited and registered themselves up to websites through the page but never knew something with a name existed. 

Are you looking to be a digital marketer? Or you are seeking to create a landing page for your business website? Then, you must have a piece of basic knowledge of what the landing page is all about.

No matter what, if you want to get hands-on marketing digitally, then creating landing pages must be the top priority. As you gradually understand how and why landing pages are an important prospect to drive a valuable audience, there will be a clearer vision.

Creating or designing a landing page can be easy but decisive for lead conversion. You have crystal clear thoughts on what you want from your audience and what they must be expecting from you. To know more about landing page design, let’s understand from the scratch.

What is a Landing Page?

If we go according to the term, it simply means a digital page where a visitor lands. While in the marketing realm, it is an independent page, created specifically with some positive intention for marketing purposes. This includes collecting basic information of a person, a brief description of the website, a list of features of the product, and so on.

A landing page is a bridge that makes the visitors plunge into a website. Moreover, it is for taking your audience a step closer towards being a hot lead.

There are multiple forms and structures of landing pages and one cannot compare the outcome with different structures as the pages are designed according to the needs and requirements of a business or a brand.

While being introduced to what a landing page is, you must’ve popped up a question In your mind, landing page and websites- the home page looks quite similar, but are they really? Let’s find out!

Landing Page vs. Web Homepage

Landing page template and landing page example

Well, if we have an ample amount of well-described information directly on the website homepage, then what is the need of creating a landing page, drive the audience, and then make them visit finally to the destined page?

This must be your query, right?

To understand this, suppose, you have multiple accounts on various social media sites that are business-oriented and create brand awareness through the posts. Thus the account reaches the raw audience who probably are new to know about your brand. If you provide a website URL, then with great content on a post, the audience might seek to know more and land on the homepage, but with ample technical words used and business, aimed custom may not click the concept of what your site actually deals with. 

Thus, a landing page can be the best if termed as an “Introductory page”, where an audience knows more about the product or services and then proceed further with their respective experience.

If a new audience with zero knowledge of what you facilitate will visit your website, there is a great chance that the person may exit at the very moment. This increases the ‘bounce rate’ of your webpage and provides a negative effect.

Best Landing Page Design Ideas

 A well-optimized landing page can transform navigators into hot leads by gathering information that can help you understand your audience, market, and send personalized emails or messages. Since, in the above section, it is mentioned how landing pages are crucial for conversions, thus it must be ensured they're well planned, optimized, and executed

Here are a few essential tips for how to design a landing page:

  • Appealing aesthetics: Giving your landing page an appealing color with a clean UI can be a game-changer. This grabs visitors’ attention and will eventually want to learn more about your products.
  • Less is more: Take words that are self-explanatory. You need not mention every bit of your concept and brand. Selecting a headline and a short summary must be enough to make the prospect to make them familiar with the stuff and dive into the website. 
  • Keep visitors on the page: It is suggested not to add backlinks to the landing pages as they may act as a distracting element and this may lead to losing your audience.
  • Social Sharing: This can be an amazing option to aware others of your brand or services by serving an option for the visitors to share your content or landing page within their group on different platforms. 
  • Call-To-Action: This is the important section where prospects become contacts. While most landing page designers make a blunder here. A call-to-action button must be clearly visible and there must be a ‘back or dismiss’ option available for the people who want to exit from the page. Apart from this, a call-to-action page can consist of, subscribe, register, login, follow, and many more options as per your business profile.

lading page

Summing It Up

We hope this article has guided you on how a landing page design should be and why it is important to have an optimized and independent landing page. This will definitely help you to grow your business more effectively. Also, don’t forget to share this piece of information with your contacts.